Here we offer you easy to use calculators where you can work out savings, mortgage repayments and borrowing power repayments among other calculations, as a courtesy of our partners at
Calculators include:
Rent or Buy Calculator
Calculate a home loan based on rental payments
Mortgage Repayments Calculator
Find out how much your home loan could cost you and the monthly repayments.
How Much Could I Borrow?
Find out how much you can borrow based on your current circumstances.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Find out the Stamp Duty on your property and other costs of purchasing your home.
Savings Plan Calculator
Develop a plan to assist you in savings to achieve your goal.
Summary Calculator
View a complete summary of your home loan details here.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Stamp Duty is a necessary evil in Australia. Use this tool to work out the amount you’ll have to pay. Did you know it varies depending on where you live?
Borrowing power calculator
No idea how much you can afford? This calculator takes into account your salary, expenses and the sort of loan you’re after. Find out your borrowing capacity.
Savings calculator
If you’re struggling to save a deposit for a house, take a look at how quickly your savings can grow if you invest them wisely and make regular contributions.
Mortgage Calculator
The Basic Mortgage Repayment Calculator is a great tool which will assist you in determining what your weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments will be according to the loan amount chosen.
Reverse rent calculator
Put your monthly rental amount towards owning your own home – determine how much you can afford to borrow based on the current amount of rent you pay.
Loan repayments calculator
Work out how much you’ll need to cover your loan. You can alter the loan amount and term, interest rate and repayment frequency to suit your specific requirements.
These calculators are designed to be informational and educational tools only, and when used alone, do not constitute investment advice.
We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a financial services professional before making any type of investment.
We also encourage you to review your investment strategy periodically as your financial circumstances change.
These calculators are provided as a rough approximation of financial considerations.
KPO is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by these tools.
KPO is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions.
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